Many are quite confused as to what method should be used in regard to market research. Should you be using online panel middle east or an email list even if such list comes from customer database? What could be their difference and why the former is by far better when doing research. Well, let’s find out the answers by first defining these two methods.
Email list basically consists of email addresses and a few data points which may include demographics, purchasing details if it’s a customer list; however, it contains not much additional details apart from the email address itself. On the other hand, online panel Middle East is composed of passionate individuals who agree to participate in a research, in addition of having to fill out a detailed profile survey completely. This survey accumulates specific details regarding the respondent’s personal info and household circumstances, brands and categories purchased, affiliations, and other interests.
Below are some of the advantages in using online panel over an email list.
Wider validation opportunities. Typically, an email list provides a limited information about the respondent as compared to a panel wherein there’s a lot more detailed info when such individuals signed up to join. The more details acquired, the better is the opportunity when it comes to validating these details with other data resources and in examining as well across time flexibilities. And through panels, responses can be stored overtime and can be tracked easily while the respondent’s profiles can be updated without much fuss too. But with the list, individuals who respond may only participate on a one-time survey.
Better targeting and feasibility. The response rate is typically low in terms of email list’s survey invitation. Also, there’s a little profiling details for feasibility purposes. These factors are in contrast to online panel middle east wherein the response rates are high. Profiling details have already been gathered and are accessible in running feasibilities easily as well as in directing survey invitations.
Great time and cost saver. While email list is often purchased for single use without any guarantee of the research to be accomplished successfully, online panel offers a completed interview on which a client pays for it as a whole.
Online panel middle east is not a costly venture. The expenses of accumulating survey details electronically are less costly compared to email list. Panels usually amounts about half to a traditional email surveys and conversion rates can be higher as fifty percent.
Email list basically consists of email addresses and a few data points which may include demographics, purchasing details if it’s a customer list; however, it contains not much additional details apart from the email address itself. On the other hand, online panel Middle East is composed of passionate individuals who agree to participate in a research, in addition of having to fill out a detailed profile survey completely. This survey accumulates specific details regarding the respondent’s personal info and household circumstances, brands and categories purchased, affiliations, and other interests.
Below are some of the advantages in using online panel over an email list.
Wider validation opportunities. Typically, an email list provides a limited information about the respondent as compared to a panel wherein there’s a lot more detailed info when such individuals signed up to join. The more details acquired, the better is the opportunity when it comes to validating these details with other data resources and in examining as well across time flexibilities. And through panels, responses can be stored overtime and can be tracked easily while the respondent’s profiles can be updated without much fuss too. But with the list, individuals who respond may only participate on a one-time survey.
Better targeting and feasibility. The response rate is typically low in terms of email list’s survey invitation. Also, there’s a little profiling details for feasibility purposes. These factors are in contrast to online panel middle east wherein the response rates are high. Profiling details have already been gathered and are accessible in running feasibilities easily as well as in directing survey invitations.
Great time and cost saver. While email list is often purchased for single use without any guarantee of the research to be accomplished successfully, online panel offers a completed interview on which a client pays for it as a whole.
Online panel middle east is not a costly venture. The expenses of accumulating survey details electronically are less costly compared to email list. Panels usually amounts about half to a traditional email surveys and conversion rates can be higher as fifty percent.
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